Background Information
About the project
The EYWA project focuses on strengthening the capacity of national and local civil society organizations in South Africa, in particular women and youth organizations, to engage in gender equality and the inclusion of young people in the labor market.
The project aims to improve the employability and economic conditions of young people and women from disadvantaged areas in the Gauteng province of Johannesburg. In this respect EYWA aims to:
- Support entrepreneurship initiatives founded by women and young people.
- Build the capacity of women and youth networks and encourage their participation in policy dialogues, strengthening public-private partnerships (PPPs) on the socio-economic situation and economic inclusion of women and youth.
- Support actions aimed at preventing gender-based violence.
For more information, https://jcci.co.za/eywa/
Responsible Organizations
EYWA is a European project carried out by four partners: CCI Spain as Lead Applicant, in collaboration with three co-implementing partners in South Africa (Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Johannesburg (JCCI), Lulalab Foundation and Youth Employment Service NPC (YES) who have been selected based on their expertise and experience in developing activities to support underprivileged women and youth in the Gauteng province, where the project will take place.
Legal background
This call of tender is launched in the framework of the grant contract NDICI-CSO/2023/450-537 signed between the EU Delegation to South Africa and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Spain, Youth Employment Service NPC (YES), Lulalab and Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Johannesburg (JCCI) on 31-12-2023 to implement the Employability for Youth and Women (EYWA) Project.
Purpose of this call for expression of interest
About The JCCI Women And Youth Entrepreneurship Development Training
The EYWA Project will offer entrepreneurship training and dual VET training to contribute to reinforce capacities of South African women and young people to find better jobs. It will also carry out capacity building activities with local CSOs to support women empowerment, to reduce the gender gap, to ease access to finance and to promote sustainable socio-economic development. This will be achieved through three separate but complementary lines of action (entrepreneurship training, training to become self-employed and Dual VET training, and subgrants to support the beneficiaries of the training programs).
The JCCI training will provide basic, practical training by experienced, hands-on trainers to enhance employability and to start and grow a small business with a view to eventually entering the regional and international marketplace.
120 young women and youth will be trained in all round practical entrepreneurship skills to master the use of local resources and scale their businesses internationally in the shortest time possible.
The graduates will be proficient in:
- Developing a Business Model for a start-up business,
- Setting Income Generating Targets for a start-up business,
- Effective customer service in the retail, wholesale, and services sectors,
- Understanding customer expectations,
- Identifying market opportunities for their goods and services,
- Crafting a marketing plan,
- Identifying Inventory Management Principles and tracking systems
- Constructing a Personal and business budget,
- Identifying appropriate Pricing strategies for a start-up business
- Doing basic costing for a start-up business,
- Cash Flow planning for a start-up business,
- Managing reputation to improve profitability,
- Critical thinking problem solving,
- Gaining insight into the international market with a view to future business.
Expected Training Duration
When will you be expected to attend the training:
JCCI will identify trainees to take part in Women Entrepreneurship Development in Milpark, Johannesburg.
JCCI Women and Youth Entrepreneurship Development Training is expected to be carried out between August and December of 2024.
Why you should participate in the trainings:
Those completing the training will become rounded businesspeople, with critical thinking, able to harness resources of time, capital, workers/skills, materials to profitably make quality products and services to satisfy both local and international customers.
They will be confident in taking their businesses from current level and effectively scale gradually to international level.
Private data protection
Please carefully read the private data protection below:
All personal data mentioned in the Application form and in every other document provided for the scope of the trainings will be collected and processed by the contracting body in compliance with the terms and indications of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation), as specified in the NDICI CSO/2023/450-537 Employability for Youth and Women in South Africa (EYWA) Project.
All personal data held by the contracting body and/or collected within the framework of the trainings of the EYWA Project will be used solely for purposes related to the implementation of the trainings, as well as for the information and communication activities carried out by the contracting body and the Managing Authority in the framework of the NDICI CSO/2023/450-537 Employability for Youth and Women in South Africa (EYWA) Project.
The personal data collected by the contracting body can be transmitted to external bodies or subjects who perform activities or functions strictly connected to the implementation of the Subgrant Contract and to the Programme information and communication activities. Within the framework of the Programme information and communication activities, some of these data can also be diffused through the Programme website or other information tools, in compliance with the relevant provisions applicable to the NDICI CSO/2023/450-537 Employability for Youth and Women in South Africa (EYWA) Project.
JCCI complies with all government data protection legislation:
- https://cms.law/en/int/expert-guides/cms-expert-guide-to-data-protection-and-cyber-security-laws/south-africa
- Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act) – POPIA
Application process
Selection criteria
Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:
Applicants must comply with the following minimum requirements:
- Between 18 and 35 years of age.
- Be a South African
- Underprivileged women or early women-led Start-Up (up to 1 year of creation)
- Available during the dates of implementation of the training.
- Motivation to enter the labour market.
Both under privilege women and early women led start-up are eligible to apply.
It is important to have all the required documents below if you are a start-up business.
Certified copies of the following documents are required:
- CIPC Registration (if applicable)
- SARS Tax Clearance Certificate (if applicable)
- BEE Certificate (51% black owned) (if applicable)
- South African ID document (compulsory)
- Bank letter confirming banking details not older than 3 months (compulsory)
Also required are: - A Company Profile (if applicable)
- Brochures or specifications of products (if applicable)
- Credit and criminal reference checks are conducted.
- Any previous incubator experiences (if applicable).
- Basic educational qualifications
- Literacy and Numeracy Skills: Basic reading, writing, and numeric skills are essential for understanding training materials and accessing the labor market.
Commitment to Training Statement:
- Availability for the duration of the training and willingness to commit to the full length of the training program.
- Long-term Interest in applying the skills learned during the training to pursue a career or start a business in the related field.
Motivation Statement:
- Demonstrated interest and motivation for selection on the program.
Credit and criminal reference checks will be conducted.
Include two contactable references.
This call for applications adheres to the following non-discrimination and transparency principles:
– Transparency
The partner must publish all relevant information to enable the potential beneficiaries to obtain timely and accurate information on the actions being co-financed by the European Union. The work programme is implemented by publishing calls for proposals and all grants awarded in the course of the financial year will be published annually with due observance of the requirements of confidentiality and security.
– Equal treatment
No preferential treatment may be given to any potential beneficiary. This rule applies not only to the process of identifying and selecting beneficiaries but also during the implementation of the action.
Costs covered.
The costs of the training are covered by the project.
How to apply and deadline.
If you are interested in benefiting from JCCI WOMEN AND YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT TRAINING carried out by JCCI under the EYWA Project, please complete the application form, Eligibility criteria and participation requirements:
Application process JCCI-EYWA-Call-of-Interest-for-Trainees-SME-Application-form-2024-Final.docx
Interested candidates should complete the application form before 18 June 2024.
Disclaimer: This publication is co-funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of EYWA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.